« In March 2020, starting an (medical center for assisted reproduction) ART course in May 2019. At the same time as this one, I started classes with Charlotte. I was very lucky: 1 Frozen embryo transfer (FET) = 1 baby. But above all, I put all the chances on my side, especially by offering myself these courses. So thank you ART, thank you life and thank you Charlotte. »
— Jessie, 36 years old PCOS

« I am naturally stressed and quickly irritated, I felt calm and I found my feminine sensations. I felt my body working and after two months of yoga, I tried a third IVF, it was in November 2019. The results were surprising: eleven fertilized oocytes and four embryos. »
— Pascale, 42 years old pcos

« I still remember that first class on a rainy winter evening, this dynamic FY1 class was a revelation. When I left I felt a total plenitude. For the space of an hour, I had let go completely and let myself be carried away by the course and the voice of Charlotte. I had so many negative pregnancy tests that I told myself that it is still linked. irregular cycles, so I no longer believe it. I let a few more days pass, and still nothing. I do a test again: positive!  »
— Lola, 30 years old PCOS

« I immediately felt an appeasement by practicing Charlotte’s Fertility Yoga classes, both by the practice itself, and by meeting the other students. I was no longer alone to suffer from this desire, finally exchange with women having the same pathology, or having experienced the same ailments, bring comfort.

« I only practiced FY2 classes because FY1 classes are not recommended in the context of Endometriosis. From the first lesson, I am more relaxed, much more confident and reassured. My stomach was no longer tied and my mind much calmer »

« Her approach to the female body, her understanding of the hormonal system and her listening skills have deeply helped me through these months of pain where every movement was torment for me. She was able to adapt each session to my pain, which was acute and did not necessarily allow me to take her course as is.
Thanks to the practice of Fertility Yoga at certain times of the cycle, I have for the first time in my life managed to postpone taking
pain medication! »

«  Her classes were a breath of fresh air for me. I first learned a lot about my body, about myself. I have met women who were in the same situation as me, with whom I was able to discuss, share.
A Fertility Yoga class is a parenthesis for yourself, a moment when you relax. We also have the impression of acting, of not remaining powerless in the face of our infertility. We feel the effects quite quickly. »

« Charlotte (and her extensive knowledge) as well as her yoga classes
opened up a whole field of possibilities other
than medical ones that could influence the course of
things, and above all give me the impression that
I could also, through my actions. help in this obstacle course.
I can only recommend it to other women in the same situation as me.
In short, THANKS! »
— Caroline, 35 years old Low ANTIMÜLLERIAN HORMONE